
Captain Planet Aint Got Nothing on Me

Sure I don't have the power of fire, wind, earth, water and heart but I'm doing my part, probably more then a cartoon from the 90s is doing anyway...

For the past 2-3 weeks I have been watching on what I've been throwing out. I have been keeping an eye on my paper consumption and throwing away plastics in a separate trash can I set up in my room. I also started reusing scrap paper, sometimes I would take out a normal sized sheet out of my printer and scribble something on it only to throw it away within a few minutes. I also threw out and recycled many old books I had in my room, yay for spring cleaning and going green!

I replaced all 5 light bulbs in my room (one table, one night table and 3 ceiling) with fluorescents. Now that the weather is nicer and the days are longer I don't turn on my lights until 7:30ish, I get enough light from the sunlight. I also threw away my computer speakers! They were always plugged in and wasting power. I almost never used them anyway, I use my headset almost exclusively. Oh and I didn't THROW them out, just put them away.

1 comment:

C. Jason Smith said...

Cool! How about recycled toilet paper. Seriously. Really. Not re-using the SAME TP, but they make TP out of recycled OTHER paper.